Get Involved

Become a Member

Anybody can become a member of our club, whether managing, playing or not.   Members can gain access to great promotions, incentives and competitions.  Members can become Monitors, then Managers, Licence holders and even more.

Become a Monitor

Members can train up to become a Monitor.  A Monitor is an agent of the club that oversees a league, event or tournament on our behalf, and acts as a 'lifeguard' figure at the venue, ensuring that all members act accordingly and to our rules. Members must first complete a three hour training course in the Socia Soccer rules and a set amount of on site monitoring, prior to becoming a Monitor. Once you become a Monitor, you can then apply to be a site Manager or a Licence holder. Monitors are paid members of the club, with set rates per hour and per tournaments.

Become a Site Manager

A site Manager is a great opportunity for one of our members to take on their own site on behalf of the league, or one of our licence holders.  It is a progression from acting as a Monitor and allows a member to make up to double the rates offered for monitoring.   It involves taking on some additional duties prior to, and after the league games, such as assisting with rescheduling, assisting with players for teams, reporting and some other minor duties, all to ensure games go ahead smoothly.

Apply For Licence

Licences are a great opportunity for our members, and those trained in Monitoring to take on their own league or tournaments and, with our funding, guidance and prizes. With our experience, our input and our licence package, all you have to do is find the right location, put the work in, and you are guaranteed a successful league or tournament.

For more information contact us at or ring us on 01 906 0008.